Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Do Now: Having too much pride is seen as a tragic flaw in Greek drama.  Do you agree that pride can be a problem? Why? Why not?
Classwork:  Oedipus Rex: pages 25-43
Today we will concentrate on three characters: Oedipus, Teiresias, and Creon.
Character analysis of Oedipus at the outset of the play:
His strenths:
1. concerned for his people
2. keeps no secrets from his subjects
3. capable of swift action and thinking
His weaknesses:
1. considers himself as capable as the gods.
2. conceited.
Analyze Oedipus during the conflicts of this scene:
1. The conflict with Teiresias:
Oedipus:  Annoyance leads to anger; anger leads to fury; fury leads to wild accusations.
Teiresias: Delivery of information he never intended to give leads to involving Creon in Oedipus' "fantasies".
2. The conflict with Creon:
Oedipus' role - Assumptions turn to accusations turn to threats turn to banishment.
Creon's role: - Questioning whether Oedipus is a just ruler.
Homework: College Essay due tomorrow on Google Docs. You must share it with me!

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