Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Do Now: "Shakespeare's art endures...his words continue to give us back the experience of our own lives." Explain the quote.What does it mean "to give us back the experience of our lives"?
Classwork : Welcome William Shakespeare!
1. Read pages 1534 - 36. Summarize the key points of Shakespeare's life that might help you understand his work.
2. Read Shakespeare's Theater 1537-4. Create a time line that traces the theater from 400 - 900 AD through the Elizabethan theater. Focus on the changes that occurred.
Be sure to include theatrical conventions: (asides and soliloquies) and stage settings.
3. The range of Shakespeare's Drama:  Pages 1541-1544
Define comedy focusing on 
comic relief,
romantic comedies
high and low comedy
Define tragedy focusing on the differences between comedy and tragedy.
Homework: Edit your college essay based on my comments. Correct run-on sentences and subject/verb agreement errors.

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