Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Do Now: "Shakespeare's art endures...his words continue to give us back the experience of our own lives." Explain the quote.What does it mean "to give us back the experience of our lives"?
Classwork : Welcome William Shakespeare!
1. Read pages 1534 - 36. Summarize the key points of Shakespeare's life that might help you understand his work.
2. Read Shakespeare's Theater 1537-4. Create a time line that traces the theater from 400 - 900 AD through the Elizabethan theater. Focus on the changes that occurred.
Be sure to include theatrical conventions: (asides and soliloquies) and stage settings.
3. The range of Shakespeare's Drama:  Pages 1541-1544
Define comedy focusing on 
comic relief,
romantic comedies
high and low comedy
Define tragedy focusing on the differences between comedy and tragedy.
Homework: Edit your college essay based on my comments. Correct run-on sentences and subject/verb agreement errors.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Do Now: P. 63: The Chorus tells Oedipus it would have been  better to die than live in blindness. Why does Oedipus say he blinded himself as the best course of action? ( 63-64)
Classwork: The final episode.
Oedipus asks a favor of Creon.
Notice his tone.
What effect does blindness have on Oedipus' wisdom? Is this irony?
How does Creon respond? Why?
          Is retribution a part of his decision?
Homework: Study for Multiple Choice and Short Answer Test tomorrow. Use your handouts, the blog, and class notes

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Do Now: Paraphrase the Chorus' speech on Page 59. Is this the moment in the play when Oedipus recognizes the truth and loses everything? Why?
 The Chorus helps the audience react to information provided by The Shepherd and The Attendant.
1. Oedipus recognizes who he is and what he has done on Page 58.
2. How does he react? What is his purpose in going to Jocasta?
3. How does he react to her death? Why?
4. Analyze Creon at the end of the play,
Homework: Finish the reading questions on your handout. Begin studying for the test by reading the Literary Terms and Themes sections of your handout.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday, October 20, 2014

Do Now: Summarize Oedipus' conversation with Jocasta. What have you learned about each character in this dialogue? ( Pp. 45-49)
Classwork: The focus is on Jocasta!

1. Has she defied fate and the gods?
2. "Forget what he has told makes no difference"
3. "Have I not suffered enough?"
4. "I implore you, do not do it!"
5. "I am warning you for your own good."
6. "Doomed man!"
Homework: Finish the play.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Do Now: Re-read the dialogue on p.43. Sophocles explains the right of a king to rule. When is a king's rule questioned?
Meet Jocasta. She seems to have all the right answers.
1. Examples of dramatic irony
2. Examples of Oedipus' misgivings
3. Role of the chorus
4. The role of fate.
Homework: Enjoy the weekend

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Do Now: Having too much pride is seen as a tragic flaw in Greek drama.  Do you agree that pride can be a problem? Why? Why not?
Classwork:  Oedipus Rex: pages 25-43
Today we will concentrate on three characters: Oedipus, Teiresias, and Creon.
Character analysis of Oedipus at the outset of the play:
His strenths:
1. concerned for his people
2. keeps no secrets from his subjects
3. capable of swift action and thinking
His weaknesses:
1. considers himself as capable as the gods.
2. conceited.
Analyze Oedipus during the conflicts of this scene:
1. The conflict with Teiresias:
Oedipus:  Annoyance leads to anger; anger leads to fury; fury leads to wild accusations.
Teiresias: Delivery of information he never intended to give leads to involving Creon in Oedipus' "fantasies".
2. The conflict with Creon:
Oedipus' role - Assumptions turn to accusations turn to threats turn to banishment.
Creon's role: - Questioning whether Oedipus is a just ruler.
Homework: College Essay due tomorrow on Google Docs. You must share it with me!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Do Now: Who is Teiresias? What is the basis of the argument he has with Oedipus?

1. The Tragic Hero - definition and explanation
2. The play: Murder Mystery section/ The Prologue
Review Oedipus' reaction to the problems. How would you characterize him based on  this section of the play?
What role does the Chorus play in this section?
Meet Teiresias and analyze the conflict that  results. Now what do you think of Oedipus?
Homework: Final rough draft and writers' workshop tomorrow. Your essay should be just about ready to be put on Google Docs. Do not show me a previous draft!