Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Do Now: Review Part 2 of The Metamorphosis for a quiz.
Classwork: Final episode of Part 1 and setting of Part 2

1. The setting plays a major part in the chaos that results at the conclusion of Part 1.
Mrs. Samsa and the window.
Mr. Samsa and hissing
Gregor's panic.
2. Part 2 is all about transformation. Make sure you have annotated the text for these changes (pp 24-28)
The setting
Family rituals
Homework: Your college essay rough draft is due tomorrow. This is not the free-write!
Organize sections of the body so that they are clear to the reader and develop your thesis.
You will work in groups peer-editing. You must be prepared! ( 100 points )

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